Soble Rowe Krichbaum LLP
(734) 996-5600
... Your Solution Counsel
Complex Litigation
Complex Litigation
Zingerman’s Coffee Company, LLC v Guardian Ventures, LLC et al (2018). Obtained a preliminary and then permanent injunction against Defendants prohibiting their use of Zingerman’s® signs, artwork, and trademarks.
31341 Van Born Rd et al v McPherson Oil Company (2018). Obtained dismissal of Plaintiffs’ MFDA claim in the Wayne County Business Court.
Morris v Playdata, LLC, et al (2017). Obtained summary disposition against Plaintiff’s million-dollar shareholder claim.
XPO Logistics Freight, Inc v Lorensen et al (2017). Obtained dismissal of Plaintiff’s $65 million claims of misappropriation of trade secrets and breach of fiduciary duty.
Conlin, et al v Upton, et al (2014). Obtained a no-cause for homeowners after three-day jury trial in lawsuit filed by developer against the homeowners. The jury agreed that the homeowners’ bylaws were not restrictive covenants.
SP Investment Fund III, LLC v Long, et al (2012). Obtained a no-cause verdict for defendants after a six-day jury trial in which the plaintiff was seeking $1.6 million in damages related to an alleged breach of contract in a low-income housing real estate investment.
Neal v Michigan Department of Corrections (2009). SRK lawyers played key roles in the $100 million dollar class action settlement for hundreds of women who were raped, assaulted, groped, and viewed by male guards while in prison.
(2008). SRK conducted a four-day jury trial in a Bivens action for a Vietnam war veteran.
RMS v Houston (2007). SRK obtained a preliminary injunction and favorable settlement in a corporate espionage case.
United Auto Workers (2005). SRK attorneys made the strategic decision to sue first in a dispute related to the UAW’s investment in a Florida radio station. SRK defeated a $60 million breach of fiduciary duty claim and obtained a no-cause for the UAW. The jury awarded the UAW $1 million judgment against the other side in its case in chief.
Beard v Whitmore Lake School Dist (2005). Obtained a 6th Circuit ruling that the strip search of several high school students was unconstitutional.
Ann Arbor Public Schools (2001). SRK attorneys obtained a $6.75 million settlement on behalf of the AAPS in a legal malpractice action.

Matthew Krichbaum with clients
Mike Duika and Tim Waskiewicz.

Matthew Krichbaum with clients
Jim and Patricia Franke

Matthew Krichbaum with client Pete Long.